Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

I have worked within the software industry for over twenty-five years as an artist. Most recently as a partner in an augmented reality company. The next three images are augmented reality targets viewable in ArtPortal by WORKSHOP3D. Download the app in your favorite App Store and scan these images with your device. Below are samples of what you will see.

Digital painting used for Augmented Reality Target
Digital painting used for Augmented Reality Target
Suitors | oil on canvas | 2013 | 75.5″ X 65″
Raoul Dufy painting used for Augmented Reality target
Dancing Cubes
Dancing Cubes – Screen capture of the model making process for Augmented Reality animation.

Augmented Reality Art and Animation as seen via the (AR)t Portal app developed by WORKSHOP3D.

Dancing Cubes animation for Augmented Reality artwork.

Mihalyo Augmented Reality Postcard. Front and backside art. 2018
Mihalyo Augmented Reality Postcard. Front and backside art. 2018
Suitors AR
A screen capture of the 3D The venetian house used in the Augmented Reality portion of the installation for “Suitors.”
Installation view of "Suitors"
A screen capture of the Augmented Reality venetian house and original painting during the installation for “Suitors.”

The Goodship
The Goodship as it appears on a digital display target. Design by Jeff Mihalyo.